EnviroLight FX Solar Flag Lights
Through over 16 years of trial and error, we have learned from mistakes, built on successes and developed a powerful, cost-effective and highly popular series of EnviroLight Solar flag Lights.
In the past, our pre-packaged systems simplified the process of purchasing a solar flag light, but it was difficult to meet the needs of every customer. Today, we design, develop and build a customized EnviroLight system to every customer that invests in a solar flag light from Innovative Solar Solutions.
Questions? Need Assistance?
If you are ready to learn more about our EnviroLight FX solar flag lights, or would like a free quote for your own EnviroLight, please click below to contact our team of solar lighting professionals today:

Budget Options Available As Well
If our custom EnviroLight FX solar flag lighting systems are a little too robust for your needs and budget, we have a couple of small, high-power solar flag lighting options. We have a small PatioPal FX solar flag light and a larger GenLight FX solar flag light.
Contact one of our representatives to learn about our complete solar bus stops today.

Serving Customers Worldwide
Silicon Solar has proudly provided innovative solar solutions for more than 100,000 customers across the United States and around the world
Custom Engineered Solutions
For more than 15 years, we have been providing custom engineered solar lighting solutions for commercial, municipal and military customers across the United States and around the world – put our team of professional solar engineers to work for you
Solar Installation Services
Through our partnership with Intelligent Green Solutions, IGS, a leading solar energy installer offering services across the United States. IGS’ team of solar installers can have your EnviroLight FX solar flag lighting system up and running and working at optimum efficiency in no time. Our teams will take care of everything – from beginning to end, including followup maintenance, service and support.